Monday, March 12, 2018

Toxic moms

I'm a mom. I'm friends with a lot of great mom's. Most of the mom's I know are sincere and fair and want the best not only for their children but for their children's friends.

Then, you have a very small number of mother's that are only concerned about their children. The one's that have little empathy or understanding concerning problems or issues their kid's friends may be having.
The worst part about these mom's is they eliminate anyone they see as a problem, they demonize them to their family, friends and anyone who will listen. Then they post on Facebook about love, forgiveness, acceptance.

No child is all bad or all good. Completely eliminating a friend from your child's life to make it easier for them doesn't teach the root of friendship. We're supposed to lay our lives down for people. Love them.
I'm not talking about eliminating because of a bad influence like drinking or drugs. Just deciding they are done with these people. Inviting all the girls in the class over but leaving one out. One day best friends and the next basically dead to them.

This is not how we behave as Christians. We work through things. We invite in the mess.

It's easy to think or actually eliminate people from your life until it's your child that this happens.

Mom's wield a lot of power. The power to include. The power to exclude.

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