Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bathtub thoughts

I was in the bathtub this afternoon and was just floating and thinking. I was obviously inhaling and exhaling. As most of you know, when you inhale, the body rises; exhaling, it sinks.

It's the same with the Holy Spirit.

If we let Him in, He fills us, we rise, elevate to where He wants us.

If we push Him away, or exhale, we sink and drown.

My day is full of inhaling and exhaling, depending on what I want to do. How often do I really listen to what He wants me to do? I would love to say I inhale more than I exhale, but unfortunately, like our breathing, one accompanies the other.

The mountains and the valleys are connected. Even more confusing, when we do inhale it can be accompanied with a valley...that makes no sense to humans. We rationalize that if we do good work that equals a good outcome. Jesus is more concerned with our character than our satisfaction with ourselves.

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