Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Beautiful Pain

Beautiful pain, also called God wanting us to meet Him in it. Pain can make us do things we would never do, hurt those that we love, say things that we want to take back later. If only we can reach to Him in our pain before we reach out to those we love. He will provide a buffer and let us see the purpose behind the pain.
The other, and sometimes, more dangerous are the people who keep their pain to themselves. No one knows how bad it is. This will disintegrate someone. Bitterness is the mask for pain.
Those that don't deal with their pain in healthy ways will continue living in the dark, aching cycle. It never changes because they don't truly understand how good the pain can be and what the use of it is.
The people I enjoy the most have experienced the most pain and know what use it serves. They share their experiences of pain and how God helped them to overcome. They are beautifully shaped by the pain and want that for others.

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